Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How Brett Favre Made me a Worldly Individual or I’m sorry to see Brett Go

Editors Note: I wrote this a couple days ago, but i didn't get around to editing it or posting it till today, so hopefully it's still enjoyable.

Well Brett Favre has finally been traded. I’m not going to analyze the trade, or wax poetic about his time in Green Bay, I’ll leave that to others. What I will say is I’m somewhat sorry to see him go. Not because I wanted him to stay in Green Bay and not because I wasn’t sick of the coverage of will he or won’t he go, because I certainly was.

No I’m sad to see Brett Favre go because the coverage of his every move by ESPN was actually turning me into a worldly fellow. It used to be I would turn on ESPN in the background as I was on my computer or I would watch it while eating some dinner (yes I eat dinner in front of the tv, whatever). Then Brett Favre decided he wanted to play again and ESPN decided it was their duty to tell us of his every text message, let alone actual moves. Not only that, but we needed to know everything the Packers coach, GM and President were doing and thinking. If that wasn’t enough we needed the opinion on a daily basis from everyone on first and 10, PTI, Around The Horn, NFL Live, Sportscenter and pretty much every other show ESPN has. We needed their opinion on not only what was happening but what would happen next and what should happen.

So I could listen to this on a daily basis if I wanted or I could chose to watch something else. Personally over the last week or so perhaps more I made the choice to turn off ESPN every time they mentioned Brett Favre. So what’s a guy to do with no ESPN? I started watching the news instead of Sportscenter. I would occasionally turn on the history channel or even the e network to glimpse at who the paparazzi were stalking today. (I figure its good to be up on all types of current events even if you find them repulsive, because you wanna be able to speak with a variety of people)

Alas, Brett Favre has been traded and while it may take a little while for ESPN to get over it, maybe now they’ll actually cover stories that will interest me or at least ones I haven’t heard about constantly for days on end. Who knows they might talk about training camp developments around the rest of the league. They might talk about the Olympics, or the MLS, or even cover the NL West race a little bit (yes they suck but someone has to get into the playoffs). Heck they played a recap of the Houston Texans 2007 season and that’s more interesting then the Favre Saga.

So here’s to hoping now that the Brett Favre saga is over I won’t turn back into my normal mindless self.